The most difficult is in lack of fault signature tool, which comes from the features of the EHS system such as time varying, non-linear and coupling of fluid and solid. 其一是,电液伺服系统的时变,非线性,液固耦合等特点,使其状态信号具有时变特征,使得故障特征提取与故障诊断较为困难。
In this paper, a new method has been given, which is to make fault diagnosis of motor and driving equipments using motor current signature analysis. 本文提出一种利用交流电机定子电流信号进行电机及其驱动设备故障诊断的新方法。
Fault Diagnosis Algorithms for ROM and RAM Based on Signature Analysis 基于特征分析的ROM及RAM故障诊断算法
And it is clearly seen that the frequency signature is more sensitive for damage detection than other signatures, and the fault diagnosing precisions improved are all higher than 11% by using this signature. 与其它损伤识别指标相比,诊断精度相对提高率均大于11%,说明频率指标对结构的损伤具有更高的灵敏度。
Fault Search Strategy Based on Rule of Maximum Fault Signature Information Content 基于最大故障特征信息量准则的故障搜索策略
This paper describes fault detection of digital signal processor using signature analytical method. 介绍用特征分析方法对数字信号处理机进行故障自动检测。
The fault signature information content is defined using the concepts of self-information and entropy in the information theory, and the algorithm of the fault signature information content is presented. 利用信息论中自信息和熵的概念,给出了故障特征信息量的定义,介绍了故障特征信息量的计算方法。
This paper presents a fail-silent fault behavior based on high reliable distributed computer system, and uses two effective ways to reduce the fault detection latency: making use of the limited capability of fault detection of a single processor, and increasing the comparison of task signature state. 提出了一种基于Fail-silent节点故障行为的高可靠分布式计算机系统,提出了减少上述系统节点故障检测延迟的两条有效途径:利用单机有限的故障检测能力和增加任务特征状态比较。
Combing signature technology and bilinear maps technology, the problem of completely trusting of private key generator is solved. Not only the fault, user denies signatures, is preventing and the disfigurement, private key generator forges signature, is eliminated. 结合签名技术,双线性映射技术,解决了密钥生成中心完全可信的问题,既防止用户否认签名,又避免了密钥生成中心伪造签名。
The system not only can diagnose the turbo-generator fault presented by stationary signature, but also can diagnose the break fault. It can efficiently reduce the fault failed to report and the fault missed to report. 该样机不仅能对平稳信号表征的汽轮机组故障进行诊断,而且可以检测机组运行过程中的突变故障,可以有效降低故障的漏报率和误报率。
At last several eigen values which can Maximum reflect fault signature are successfully picked up, as the input of neural network. 最终成功提取出若干能最大限度反映故障特征的特征值,作为神经网络的输入。
And then for rolling bearing fault signals, wavelet transform was used for simulation of large mounts of data and experimental study, a new method for rolling bearing fault signature extraction based on time domain parameter vectors of wavelet multiple-dimensioned decomposition was presented. 进而针对轴承故障信号,应用小波变换进行了大量的数据仿真及实验研究,提出了一种基于小波多尺度分解的时域参数向量法用于提取轴承故障信号特征。